What if you import in a spreadsheet with a space in the column name like below?
How do you refer to the the First name variable/column with $ and not the []?
# Add to the line below
burgers$`First name`
Let’s create a new data frame burgers2 from burgers because we’re going to change it up.
Run the command on the First name variable/column to strip out the spaces and characters and replace them with periods.
# Modify the line of code below
burgers2 <- burgers
colnames(burgers2) <- _______(colnames(burgers2))
burgers2 <- burgers
colnames(burgers2) <- make.names(colnames(burgers2))
Use the special dplyr function to rename the id variable in burgers to employee_id
# Modify the line of code below
burgers2 <-
burgers2 <- rename(burgers, employee_id=id)
Create a new data frame called kids by filtering out the NAs from grade column in burgers.
# Modify the line of code below
kids <- _______(burgers2, !____(______))
kids <- filter(burgers2, !is.na(grade))